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Wesen und Antlitz

Paintings by Yahon Chang

Fr, 06.06.14 -

So, 06.07.14

Kunsthalle Faust

Öffnungszeiten: Fr 16-20 Uhr, Sa und So 14-18 Uhr

Eintritt: 3 Euro

Ermässigt: 2 Euro

The main element in the classical Chinese painting as well as in calligraphy is the line. Due to this connecting attribute, these two art forms went into a tight, alternately determining relationship in early times. Since the 13th century up to today, many artists focus especially on the connection of the Chinese painting and calligraphy and support the fusion of the two genres. In this distinctive relation, the paintings of the Taiwanese Yahon Chang were transforming into their own cosmic and with his individual form of expression.

In Yahon Changs visual world, the line defines not only the form, but also the area, with which the artist deals in different ways: One the one hand, the bold, black, gestural line combines the painting with calligraphy and is shaping enough for itself. On the other hand, the line is responsible for the shape of the figure, which is filled with color but still remains the dominant, visual sign.

Almost all artworks appear wild and passionate with their picturesque bushstroke. The gesture, the expressive and individual action is banned on the paper or canvas. However, this gestural painting is not resulting from a state of nervous disquiet, but contrariwise, from a state of calmness. Yahon Chung describes it like that: “In an extreme stated of peace, everything is exploding for me.”

Wesen und Antlitz
Paintings by Yahon Chang
Date: June 6th, 2014 – July 6th, 2014
Vernissage: Thursday, Juni 5th, 2014, 7pm
Opening hours: Friday 4pm-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 2pm- 6pm
Entrance fee: 3 Euro, discounted ticket: 2 Euro

Funded by Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen, die VGH-Stiftung und das Land Niedersachsen.

A cooperation with
Claus Friede, Contemporary Art Hamburg.

With friendly support from
Kuo Mu Sheng Foundation.

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Harro Schmidt
Zur Bettfedernfabrik 3
30451 Hannover

Tel. 0511 / 213 48 60


Kunsthalle Faust @ Facebook

Gefördert durch

  • Land Niedersachsen
  • Region Hannover
  • Ifa Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
  • Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
  • Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover
  • Stadtsparkasse Hannover
  • Sparkasse Hannover Stiftung
  • Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung
  • Stiftung Niedersachsen
  • Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen
  • Nord LB
  • VGH-Stiftung
  • Stiftung Kulturregion
  • Deutsche Messe
  • VGH-Stiftung

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